How to place text as subscript under mathematical operator in equation?

TeX - LaTeX Asked by Yumyai on June 1, 2021

I would like to put some text in math mode below a mathematical operator (or a symbol), similar to substack in sum, as the red text below the max operator in the following image

example subscript

How to do this?

4 Answers

You should place the expression in the subscript, as shown below. Most LaTeX books explain this. E.g.


    item textbf{Display mode}:
        [max_{1 leq i leq N}]
    item textbf{Inline mode}: version without verb!limits! would look like (max_{1 leq i leq N}), version with verb!limits! would look like(maxlimits_{1 leq i leq N}) inside a text.

output of code

Note how limits command force the subscript under operator in inline mode (if you think you need limits, think again — maybe the defaults look better after all! cf. this answer here on

If you find that the subscripted expression is too long and introduces excessive whitespace, you could use smashoperator macro from the mathtools package, as in this post.

Correct answer by Andrey Vihrov on June 1, 2021

I would solve it like this:

    maxlimits_{1leq jleq n}

Answered by meep.meep on June 1, 2021

Solved this for Inline mode by using $underset{1 leq j leq n}{max}$, however this approach requires the amsmath package.

Answered by seeker on June 1, 2021

As someone suggest above. We should use underset command:

underset{1leqslant jleqslant n}{max}.

underset{substack{rhoto 0 ntoinfty}}{l.i.m.} 

(for my question above).

Answered by adminHuan on June 1, 2021

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