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rsync unexpected remote arg: user@server:/path

I'm trying to use this rsync backup script on my server. However, I get the following error (when the script tries to execute the following command:$...


Server Fault Asked by PDiracDelta on 4 years ago

Why no "ethically unobjectionable" alternatives to HEK-293, WI-38, MRC-5, etc?

The cell lines in the title all come from aborted fetuses. This presents an ethical quandary for those opposed to abortion. It seems straightforward to obtain new cell...


Medical Sciences Asked by Lawnmower Man on 4 years ago

My 2005 Honda Civic Sedan is having emissions problems

My 2005 Honda Civic Sedan is having emission light problems, even when they reset it at the garage it still comes back on, here are some of the things I...


Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Asked by Vicky on 4 years ago

Journey Builder - custom activity stops journey saving

i have a very simple custom activity that is designed to pass some values to a API endpoint for execution. the activity simply launches a window with url and request...


Salesforce Asked by Bo Wang on 4 years ago

How do I upload images to a specific folder (Component Backend)

I would like to know how I upload files to a specific folder through Joomla Administrator Panel (My Component Backend). I know how to do it in the site part...


Joomla Asked by Thiago Guimarães on 4 years ago

Genesis block/ledger on stellar-core

I am looking at how to generate the Genesis block/ledger on stellar-core. I have seen people suggest pre-populating the database, what is the easiest option for a newbie to stellar-core....


Stellar Asked by Brian S on 4 years ago

Why is Symbolic AI not so popular as ANN but used by IBM Deep Blue?

Everybody is implementing and using DNN with, for example, TensorFlow or PyTorch. I thought IBM Deep Blue was an ANN-based AI system, however, it says in the following URL that...


Artificial Intelligence Asked by datdinhquoc on 4 years ago

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