Vertex labels versus vertex names in VertexRenderingFunction

Mathematica Asked on May 26, 2021

The VertexRenderingFunction seems to only use names, not labels. For example:

 VertexLabeling->True, PlotStyle -> {Black}, 
 VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[Black], White, Disk[#1, 0.08], 
   Black, Text[#2, #1]}&)]

The imported gv file here has both names and labels defined for each node. The names are always unique, but the labels are not necessarily unique.

Unfortunately, the above GraphPlot only shows the NAMES of the vertices, not the labels. How can I get the labels and not the names?

enter image description here

The vertex annotations above are names, not labels of each vertex. The DOT file is as follows:

digraph Passcode {
    0 [label="3"];
    1 [label="1"];
    2 [label="9"];
    3 [label="6"];
    4 [label="8"];
    5 [label="0"];
    6 [label="2"];
    7 [label="7"];
    0 -> 1;
    0 -> 2;
    0 -> 3;
    0 -> 4;
    1 -> 4;
    1 -> 6;
    1 -> 5;
    1 -> 3;
    1 -> 2;
    2 -> 5;
    3 -> 4;
    3 -> 2;
    3 -> 6;
    3 -> 5;
    4 -> 5;
    4 -> 2;
    6 -> 2;
    6 -> 5;
    6 -> 4;
    7 -> 3;
    7 -> 1;
    7 -> 6;
    7 -> 0;
    7 -> 2;

2 Answers

You could import it first and modify options:

g = Import["D:/dev/ProjectEuler/keylog.gv"];

SetProperty[g, {EdgeStyle -> Black, VertexShapeFunction -> ({EdgeForm[Black], White, Disk[#1, 0.08]} &),
 VertexLabels -> (#1 -> Placed[#2, Center]) & @@@ (VertexLabels /. 
 Options[g, VertexLabels]), GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding"}]

enter image description here

Correct answer by halmir on May 26, 2021

The vertices in the imported graph object g0 are already labeled with the labels, not the names.

g0 = Import["D:/dev/ProjectEuler/keylog.gv"]

enter image description here

So we are left with the task of modifying the layout and styles of vertices and edges which can be done using SetProperty.

SetProperty[g0, {VertexStyle -> White, VertexSize -> Large, 
  VertexLabelStyle -> 20, GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding", 
  VertexLabels -> (# -> Placed[#2, Center] & @@@ (VertexLabels /. Options[g0]))}]

enter image description here

Import with Graph options:

A convenient feature of Import for DOT files is that

  • When importing from DOT, all options supported by Graph can be given. (DOT >> Options)

So, we can set the Graph options during importing:

g1 = Import["D:/dev/ProjectEuler/keylog.gv", 
  VertexStyle -> White, VertexSize -> Large, VertexLabelStyle -> 20, 
  GraphLayout -> "SpringEmbedding", ImagePadding -> 10]

enter image description here

This just leaves the centering of vertex labels for which we need SetProperty:

  VertexLabels -> (# -> Placed[#2, Center] & @@@ (VertexLabels /. Options[g1]))]

enter image description here

Using GraphPlot

If you have to use GraphPlot you can use the VertexLabels of the imported Graph object to construct a replacement rule to be used in the VertexRenderingFunction:

vreplace = (VertexLabels /. Options[g0]) /. Rule[x_, y_] :> Rule[1 + ToExpression[x], y]; 

We can use vreplace to post-process the GraphPlot output in OP:

GraphPlot[g0, VertexLabeling -> True, PlotStyle -> Black, 
  VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[Black], White, Disk[#1, 0.08],
       Black, Text[#2, #1]} &)] /. Text[v_, p_] :> Text[v /. vreplace, p]

enter image description here

Or, use it inside VertexRenderingFunction:

GraphPlot[g0, VertexLabeling -> All, PlotStyle -> Black, ImageSize -> 400, 
 VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[Black], White, Disk[#1, 0.08], 
   Black, Text[#2 /. vreplace, #1]} &)]

enter image description here

Or, add Tooltips showing both the name and the label of a vertex using

VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[Black], White, Disk[#1, 0.08], 
    Black, Text[Tooltip[#2 /. vreplace, 
      Grid[{{"name", #2}, {"label", #2 /. vreplace}}, Dividers -> All]], #1]} &)

enter image description here

Note: When g is a Graph object, GraphPlot[g] takes Range @ VertexCount[g], that is, the list of vertex indices, as the vertex list, not the vertex names. A simpler example:

exmpl = Graph[{10 -> "A", "A" -> 30, 30 -> 10}, 
   VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", Center], 
   VertexLabelStyle -> 20, VertexStyle -> White, 
   VertexSize -> Medium, ImageSize -> 300];
Row[{exmpl, GraphPlot[exmpl, VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 300]}]

enter image description here

Answered by kglr on May 26, 2021

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