Plotting 3D data in (Fr, Fθ, Fz) cylindrical coordinates

Mathematica Asked on March 4, 2021

A skyrmion

I want to plot a skyrmion (like shown above) represented by a 3D vectorial arrows but showing in a 2D plane.

My code is as follows:

λ = 633*10^(-9);
ω = 2*π*3*10^8/λ;
k0 = 2 π/λ;
kr = 1.05*k0;
kz = Sqrt[kr^2 - k0^2];
Fr = 
  Plot[{0.8*kz*kr^2/(2*ω)*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11)}, 
    {r, -1.5*λ, +1.5*λ}, 
    PlotRange -> All]

Fθ = 
  Plot[{0.2*kz*kr^2/(2*ω)*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11)}, 
    {r, -1.5*λ, +1.5*λ}, 
    PlotRange -> All]

Fz = 
  Plot[{kr^3/(2*ω)*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]*(BesselJ[0, kr*r] - 
          BesselJ[2, kr*r])/2/(4.96*10^11)}, 
    {r, -1.5*λ, +1.5*λ}, 
    PlotRange -> All]

I used 4.96*10^11 to normalize the data.

As you can see, Fr, and Fz are in cylindrical coordinate, but there is only one variable, r with {r, -1.5 λ, +1.5 λ}.

I’ve searched all day through this forum and tried VectorPlot3D, ListVectorPlot3D, but failed.

Please, can anybody help me to solve this?

2 Answers

My understanding is, that you have a vector field, given in cylindrical coordinates, that only depends on the radius r (Note r should be >0 in cylindrical coordinates). And you want to plot the vectors in a slice with z==0.

Toward this aim we first define the coordinate functions r[r], [Theta][r] and z[r] that give the cylindrical coordinates.

Then we need the three cylinder base vectors in cartesian coordinates for our plot. This is done with the the function cylbas[x,y]

Next, as the vectors depend only on r, we define a function vec0[r] that gives the cartesian components of the searched for vectors in the y==z==0 plane.

Then we rotate the vectors in the plane y==z==0 around the z-axis. This gives a table of vector called: vecs

Finally we feed vecs to Graphics3D, where we change the vectors to Arrows. Here is the code:

[Lambda] = 633*10^(-9);
[Omega] = 2*[Pi]*3*10^8/[Lambda];
k0 = 2 [Pi]/[Lambda];
kr = 1.05*k0;
kz = Sqrt[kr^2 - k0^2];

r[r_] = 0.8*kz*kr^2/(2*[Omega])*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
[Theta][r_] = 
  0.2*kz*kr^2/(2*[Omega])*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
z[r_] = kr^3/(2*[Omega])*1/r*
    kr*r]*(BesselJ[0, kr*r] - BesselJ[2, kr*r])/2/(4.96*10^11);

   y_] = {{Cos[ph], Sin[ph], 0}, 
    Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] {- Sin[ph], Cos[ph], 0 }, {0, 0, 1}} /. 
   ph -> ArcTan[x, y];

vec0[r_] = 
  Arrow[{{r, 0, 
     0}, {r, 0, 
      0} + {r[r [Lambda]], [Theta][r [Lambda]], 
       z[r [Lambda]]}.cylbase[r, 0 ]}];

vecs = Table[
   Rotate[Table[vec0[r ], {r, Table[i, {i, 0.2, 1, 0.05}]}], 
    ph, {0, 0, 1}], {ph, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/5}];

  Arrowheads[Medium, Appearance -> "Projected"], vecs, Opacity[0.3], 
  Cylinder[{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0.005}}, 1]}, 
 PlotRange -> {{-1., 1.}, {-1., 1.}, {-.2, 0.4}}, ImageSize -> 400, 
 Axes -> True, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}]

enter image description here

Correct answer by Daniel Huber on March 4, 2021

Whether meet your requirements?

λ = 633*10^(-9);
ω = 2*π*3*10^8/λ;
k0 = 2 π/λ;
kr = 1.05*k0;
kz = Sqrt[kr^2 - k0^2];
Fr = 0.8*kz*kr^2/(2*ω)*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
Fθ = 
  0.2*kz*kr^2/(2*ω)*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
Fz = kr^3/(2*ω)*1/r*
    kr*r]*(BesselJ[0, kr*r] - BesselJ[2, kr*r])/2/(4.96*10^11);
{r, θ, z} = {Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], ArcTan[x, y], z};
{Fx, Fy, Fz} = {Fr, Fθ, 
      Fz}.D[{r, θ, z}, {{x, y, z}}] /. r -> Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] // 
vectors = 
 VectorPlot3D[{Fx, Fy, Fz}, {x, -1.5, 1.5}, {y, -1.5, 1.5}, {z, -1.5, 
   1.5}, VectorColorFunction -> "BrightBands", PlotTheme -> "Classic",
   VectorPoints -> {15, 15, 5}, 
  RegionFunction -> 
   Function[{x, y, z}, Abs[z] <= .5 && Sqrt[ x^2 + y^2] <= 1.5], 
  Boxed -> False, Axes -> False, RegionBoundaryStyle -> None, 
  PlotRange -> Full]

Another code

[Lambda] = 633*10^(-9);
[Omega] = 2*[Pi]*3*10^8/[Lambda];
k0 = 2 [Pi]/[Lambda];
kr = 1.05*k0;
kz = Sqrt[kr^2 - k0^2];
Fr = 0.8*kz*kr^2/(2*[Omega])*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
F[Theta] = 
  0.2*kz*kr^2/(2*[Omega])*1/r*BesselJ[1, kr*r]^2/(4.96*10^11);
Fz = kr^3/(2*[Omega])*1/r*
    kr*r]*(BesselJ[0, kr*r] - BesselJ[2, kr*r])/2/(4.96*10^11);
{r, [Theta], z} = {Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], ArcTan[x, y], z};
{Fx, Fy, Fz} = {Fr, F[Theta], 
      Fz}.D[{r, [Theta], z}, {{x, y, z}}] /. r -> Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] // 
SliceVectorPlot3D[{Fx, Fy, Fz}, 
 z == 0, {x, -1.5, 1.5}, {y, -1.5, 1.5}, {z, -1.5, 1.5}, 
 VectorColorFunction -> "BrightBands", PlotTheme -> "Classic", 
 Boxed -> False, Axes -> False]

enter image description here

Answered by cvgmt on March 4, 2021

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