Filling between boundaries

Mathematica Asked on August 4, 2021

I would like to visualize what it graphically means to integrate between two boundary values. Therefore I’d like to make a Filling between these two values. Is there a way to get this done?

6 Answers

An alternative is to use Piecewise as follows

Plot[{Sin[x], Piecewise[{{Sin[x], -Pi <= x <= Pi}}, _]}, {x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi}, 
  Filling -> {2 -> {Axis, Yellow}}, PlotStyle -> {Green, Directive[Red, Thick]}] 

which gives

enter image description here


Use Show to superimpose two variants (the second one with your choice of the variable bounds -- -Pi and 2Pi in the example below) of the plot:

Show[Plot[Sin[x], {x, -3 Pi, 3 Pi}], 
     Plot[Sin[x], {x, - Pi, 2 Pi}, 
         Filling -> Axis, FillingStyle -> Yellow]]

enter image description here

Update: Yet another method using ColorFunction with ColorFunctionScaling->False, Mesh and MeshShading,

Plot[Sin[x], {x, -2 Pi, 2 π}, 
   Mesh -> {{0}}, 
   MeshShading -> {Directive@{Thick, Blue}}, Filling -> Axis, 
   ColorFunction -> (If[-Pi <= #1 <= Pi/2, If[#2 > 0, Red, Yellow], White] &),
   ColorFunctionScaling -> False]

enter image description here

Update 2: All inside Manipulate:

First, a cool combo control from somewhere in the docs:

 popupField[Dynamic[var_], list_List] :=  
   Grid[{{PopupMenu[Dynamic[var], list, 0, 
          Opener[False, Appearance -> Medium]], 
          InputField[Dynamic[var], Appearance -> "Frameless"]}}, 
  Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Orange, 
  Background -> {{Orange, Orange}}]

and, then,

Manipulate[Column[{ Dynamic@Show[ Plot[func[x], {x, -2 Pi, 2 π}, 
  Ticks -> {Range[-2 Pi, 2 Pi, Pi/2], Automatic},
  Mesh -> {{0}}, MeshShading -> {Directive@{Thick, color0}},
  Filling -> Axis,
  ColorFunction -> (If[lb <= #1 <= ub, If[#2 > 0, color1, color2], White] &),
  ColorFunctionScaling -> False, ImageSize -> {600, 300}],
  Graphics[{Gray, Line[{{-2 Pi, 0}, {2 Pi, 0}}],
   Orange, PointSize[.02], Dynamic[(Point[{lb = Min[First[pt1], First[pt2]], 0}])],
   Brown, PointSize[.02],  Dynamic[(Point[{ub = Max[First[pt1], First[pt2]], 0}])]},
  PlotRange -> 1.], PlotLabel -> Style[ "nArea = " <> 
    ToString[Quiet@NIntegrate[func[t], {t, lb, ub}]] <> "n", 
   "Subsection", GrayLevel[.3]]]},  Center], 
 Row[{Spacer[30], Rotate[Style["functions", GrayLevel[.3], 12], 90 Degree],
  Spacer[5],Control@{{func, Sin, ""},  popupField[#, {Sin, Cos, Sec, Cosh, ArcSinh}] &}
  Spacer[15], Rotate[Style["colors", GrayLevel[.3], 12], 90 Degree],
  Spacer[5],  Rotate[Style["line", GrayLevel[.3], 10], 90 Degree],
  Control@{{color0, Blue, ""}, ColorSlider[#, AppearanceElements -> "Spectrum",
           ImageSize -> {40, 40}, AutoAction -> True] &},
 Spacer[5], Rotate[Style["above", GrayLevel[.3], 10], 90 Degree],
 Control@{{color1, Green, ""}, ColorSlider[#, AppearanceElements -> "Spectrum", 
          ImageSize -> {40, 40}, AutoAction -> True] &},
 Spacer[5], Rotate[Style["below", GrayLevel[.3], 10], 90 Degree],
 Control@{{color2, Green, ""}, ColorSlider[#, AppearanceElements -> "Spectrum", 
           ImageSize -> {40, 40}, AutoAction -> True] &}},Spacer[0]],
 {{lb, -Pi}, ControlType -> None},
 {{ub, 3 Pi/2}, ControlType -> None},
 {{pt1, {-Pi, 0}}, Locator, Appearance -> None},
 {{pt2, {3 Pi/2, 0}}, Locator, Appearance -> None},
 Alignment -> Center, ControlPlacement -> Top, AppearanceElements -> Automatic]

enter image description here

Enter your own pure function:

enter image description here

Correct answer by kglr on August 4, 2021

Always search the doc when you don't know what to do. In most cases you'll not only find it possible, but find a thorough documentation along with examples. In this case you have this link.

Here is an example:

 Plot[{Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 2 π}],
 Plot[{Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, π/4, 5/4 π}, 
     PlotRange -> {{0, 2 π}, All} , Filling -> 1 -> {2}]

output image showing filling between curves

Answered by jVincent on August 4, 2021

Area will be red or blue depending whether $b > a$ or not.

  Plot[{f[x], UnitStep[Sign[b - a] (x - a)] UnitStep[Sign[b - a] (b - x)] f[x]}, 
    {x, -7, 7}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Thickness[0]}, Filling -> {2 -> 0}, 
  FillingStyle -> Directive[Opacity[.5], If[b - a > 0, Red, Blue]], 
  PlotLabel -> "AREA = " <> ToString[NIntegrate[f[x], {x, a, b}]]], {{b, 4}, -7, 7},   
   {{a, -1}, -7, 7}, {f, {Sin, Cos, Tanh, Sech}}]

enter image description here

enter image description here

Also take a look at source code at the Wolfram Demonstration Project.

Answered by Vitaliy Kaurov on August 4, 2021

With axis-constrained locators:

DynamicModule[{pts = {{0, 0}, {Pi, 0}}}, 
 LocatorPane[Dynamic[pts, (pts[[1]] = {#[[1, 1]], 0}; pts[[2]] = {#[[2, 1]], 0}) &],
          {Plot[Sin@x, {x, 0, 2 Pi}],
           Plot[Sin@x, {x, pts[[1, 1]], pts[[2, 1]]}, Filling -> Axis] 

Mathematica graphics


This is the full code, with the label:

DynamicModule[{pts = {{0, 0}, {Pi, 0}}}, 
 LocatorPane[Dynamic[pts, (pts[[1]] = {#[[1, 1]], 0}; pts[[2]] = {#[[2, 1]], 0}) &],
          {Plot[Sin@x, {x, 0, 2 Pi},
            PlotLabel -> ToString@StandardForm[Integrate[sin[x], 
                         {x, pts[[1, 1]], pts[[2, 1]]}]] <> " = " <> 
                         ToString[Integrate[Sin@x, {x, pts[[1, 1]], pts[[2, 1]]}]]],

           Plot[Sin@x, {x, pts[[1, 1]], pts[[2, 1]]}, Filling -> Axis] 

Answered by Dr. belisarius on August 4, 2021

I made an answer by J.M. and Murta into a function:

IntegralPlot[f_, {x_, L_, U_}, {l_, u_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := 
 Module[{col = ColorData[1, 1]},
  Plot[{ConditionalExpression[f, x > l && x < u], f},
   {x, L, U},
   Prolog -> {{col, Line[{{l, 0}, {l, f /. {x -> l}}}]}, {col, 
      Line[{{u, 0}, {u, f /. {x -> u}}}]}},
   Filling -> {1 -> Axis},
   PlotStyle -> col,

IntegralPlot[PDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1]][x], {x, -4, 4}, {1, 2}]


IntegralPlot[x^2, {x, 0, 10}, {4, 6}, PlotLabel -> "x^2"]


Answered by nielses on August 4, 2021

Copying the second code snippet of user kglr's answer I changed the command Filling->Axis into Filling->0.

integrationLimit1 = 1;
integrationLimit2 = 8;
f[x_] = 100 - 8*x^2 + x^3;
g1 = Plot[f[x], {x, -5, 10}];
g2 = Plot[f[x], {x, integrationLimit1, integrationLimit2}, 
   Filling -> 0];
Show[g1, g2]

Also, the order of the graphics g1 and g2 in the Show command are important.

showing integration limits

Answered by Mats Granvik on August 4, 2021

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