Computing and dynamically displaying the intersections of three circles

Mathematica Asked by joka on February 22, 2021

I don’t understand why I get the following output:

enter image description here

when in fact I was expecting to get $Failed, 1 or 2 instead of res$xxxx.

I am especially baffled because I think that.

Graphics[{Red, Circle[{Dynamic[x0], Dynamic[y0]}, Dynamic[r0]]}]

is syntactically equivalent to

  {Dynamic[x0], Dynamic[y0]}, Dynamic[r0], 
  {Dynamic[x1], Dynamic[y1]}, Dynamic[r1], {Dynamic[x2], Dynamic[y2]}, Dynamic[r2]]

and although the former displays and updates as expected, the later doesn’t.


(* do two circles intersect in one or two points? *)
nIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_] := 
  Module[{res, hyp},
      (* concentric circles *)
      o0 == o1, 
      res = $Failed,
      (* non-concentric circles *)
      hyp = Total[(o1 - o0)^2];
      res = 
          (* do not intersect *)
          r0 + r1 < hyp, $Failed,
          (* single intersection point *)
          r0 + r1 == hyp, 1,
          (* two intersection points *)
          r0 + r1 > hyp, 2,
          (* something went wrong *)
          True, $Failed]];

allIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_, o2_, r2_] := 
  Module[{ni01, ni02, ni12, nis},
    (* count the number of possible intersections *)
    ni01 = nIntersections[Dynamic[o0], Dynamic[r0], Dynamic[o1], Dynamic[r1]];
    ni02 = nIntersections[Dynamic[o0], Dynamic[r0], Dynamic[o2], Dynamic[r2]];
    ni12 = nIntersections[Dynamic[o1], Dynamic[r1], Dynamic[o2], Dynamic[r2]];
    nis = {ni01, ni02, ni12};

(* styled row *)
row = (Riffle[#, " "] &) /* Row;
sldr[x_, tag_, x0_, xe_, dx_] := 
  {tag, Slider[Dynamic[x], {x0, xe, dx}], Dynamic[x]}

(* slider controls *)
sldrs[{xs__}, {tags__}, {x0s__}, {xes__}, {dxs__}] := 
  Module[{args = {{xs}, {tags}, {x0s},{xes}, {dxs}}},
  MapThread[row[sldr[##]]&, args]]

(* entry point *)
    {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, vars, tags, x0s, xes, dxs, args, rng},
  vars = {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2};
  tags = {"x0", "y0", "r0", "x1", "y1", "r1", "x2", "y2", "r2"};
  x0s = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  xes = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
  dxs = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
  rng = Transpose @ Map[Through[{Min, Max}[#]]&, {x0s, xes}];
  args = {vars, tags, x0s, xes, dxs};
    (* display *)
    {Graphics[{Red, Circle[{Dynamic[x0], Dynamic[y0]}, Dynamic[r0]]}],
     Graphics[{Darker @ Green, Circle[{Dynamic[x1], Dynamic[y1]}, Dynamic[r1]]}],
     Graphics[{Darker@Blue, Circle[{Dynamic[x2], Dynamic[y2]}, Dynamic[r2]]}]} 
     Show[#, PlotRange -> rng] &,
    (* controls *)
    Column[sldrs @@ args, Alignment -> Left],
    (* numerical output *)
      {Dynamic[x0], Dynamic[y0]}, 
      {Dynamic[x1], Dynamic[y1]}, Dynamic[r1], {Dynamic[x2], 
       Dynamic[y2]}, Dynamic[r2]]},
  Initialization :> (
    x0 = 2.6;
    y0 = 4;
    r0 = 1.9;
    x1 = 4.;
    y1 = 4.;
    r1 = 1.65;
    x2 = 5.5;
    y2 = 4.;
    r2 = 1.4;)]

3 Answers

The answer to why you get the res$nnn in the output:

The condition o0 == o1 of If in nIntersections evaluates to neither True nor False, because the arguments are wrapped in Dynamic. I will insert two hooks, murf and foo, to trace what happens.

nIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_] := Module[{res, hyp},
  If[(*concentric circles*)o0 == o1,
   murf = True;    (* first case: o0 == o1 is True *)
   res = $Failed,(*non-concentric circles*)
   murf = False;   (* second case: o0 == o1 is False *)
   hyp = Total[(o1 - o0)^2];
   res = Which[(*do not intersect*)
     r0 + r1 < hyp, 
      foo = Less;
      $Failed,(*single intersection point*)
     r0 + r1 == hyp, 
      foo = Equal;
      1,(*two intersection points*)
     r0 + r1 > hyp, 
      foo = Greater;
      2,(*something went wrong*)
      foo = True;
   murf = Equal   (* third case: o0 == o1 does not evaluate to True or False *)

Check after executing the DynamicModule:

  foo     <-- shows Which was never evaluated
  Equal   <-- show If evaluated third case (4th argument)

So indeed, the condition in If was neither True nor False.

It can probably be fixed by removing Dynamic from the arguments. Dynamic need only wrap the output that is displayed, I think.

Appendix: Elaboration of remark about removing Dynamic

First I removed all the Dynamic[] wrappers in the OP's code with the following, and then I edited Dynamic back in where it is needed in the output:

Hold[< pasted OP's code >] /. Dynamic[x_] :> x // InputForm

The additions of Dynamic[] are preceded by comments. I gave two alternative codes for nIntersections but resisted other refactoring.

nIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_] := 
  RegionMeasure@RegionIntersection[Circle[o0, r0], Circle[o1, r1]] /. 
   0 -> $Failed;
nIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_] :=
  With[{r2 = EuclideanDistance[o0, o1]},
   1 + Min[Sign[r0 + r1 - r2], Sign[r1 + r2 - r0], 
      Sign[r2 + r0 - r1]] /. 0 -> $Failed

allIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_, o2_, r2_] := 
  Module[{ni01, ni02, ni12, nis}, 
   ni01 = nIntersections[o0, r0, o1, r1]; 
   ni02 = nIntersections[o0, r0, o2, r2];
   ni12 = nIntersections[o1, r1, o2, r2]; 
   nis = {ni01, ni02, ni12}; nis]; 

row = (Riffle[#1, " "] & ) /* Row; 
sldr[x_, tag_, x0_, xe_, dx_] := {tag, Slider[x, {x0, xe, dx}], x}; 
sldrs[{xs__}, {tags__}, {x0s__}, {xes__}, {dxs__}] := 
     Module[{args = {{xs}, {tags}, {x0s}, {xes}, {dxs}}}, 
   MapThread[row[sldr[##1]] & , 

 {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, vars, tags, x0s, xes, 
      dxs, args, rng}, 
 vars = {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2}; 
 tags = {"x0", "y0", "r0", "x1", "y1", "r1", "x2", "y2", "r2"}; 
 x0s = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
 xes = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9}; 
 dxs = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 
 rng = Transpose[(Through[{Min, Max}[#1]] & ) /@ {x0s, xes}]; 
 (*** wrap vars in Dynamic[] ***)
 args = {Dynamic /@ vars, tags, x0s, xes, dxs}; 
 {(Show[#1, PlotRange -> rng] & )[
   {(*** wrap Circle[]s in Dynamic[] ***)
    Graphics[{Red, Dynamic@Circle[{x0, y0}, r0]}], 
    Graphics[{Darker[Green], Dynamic@Circle[{x1, y1}, r1]}], 
    Graphics[{Darker[Blue], Dynamic@Circle[{x2, y2}, r2]}]}], 
  Column[sldrs @@ args, Alignment -> Left],
  (*** wrap allIntersections[] in Dynamic[] ***)
  Dynamic@allIntersections[{x0, y0}, r0, {x1, y1}, 
          r1, {x2, y2}, r2]},
 Initialization :> (x0 = 2.6; y0 = 4; r0 = 1.9; x1 = 4.; 
        y1 = 4.; r1 = 1.65; x2 = 5.5; y2 = 4.; r2 = 1.4; )]

Other alternatives

Row[sldr[##1], " "] (* instead of row[sldr[##1]] *)

(* set up vars and the rest can be constructed from it *)
tags = Subscript @@ (* works if vars named by char + number *)
     Characters@First@StringSplit[SymbolName[#], "$"] & /@ vars; 
x0s = 0 vars;
xes = 9 + x0s; 
dxs = 0.001 + x0s; 

Graphics[<all three circles>] (* instead of Show[...] *)

Answered by Michael E2 on February 22, 2021

There are many errors in your code. The most serious is that your definition of nIntersections doesn't compute the intersection correctly. When I rewrite your code as:

(*do two circles intersect in one or two points?*)
With[{ϵ = .01},
  nIntersections[o0_, r0_, o1_, r1_] :=
    If[(*concentric circles*)o0 == o1, 0,
      (*non-concentric circles*)
      With[{d = EuclideanDistance[o0, o1]},
          (*single intersection point*)Abs[r0 + r1 - d] < ϵ, 1,
          (*do not intersect*)r0 + r1 < d, 0,
          (*two intersection points*)r0 + r1 > d, 2,
          (*something went wrong*)True, $Failed]]]]

(*styled row*)
row = (Riffle[#, " "] &) /* Row;
sldr[x_, tag_, x0_, xe_, dx_] := {tag, Slider[Dynamic[x], {x0, xe, dx}], Dynamic[x]}
(*slider controls*)
sldrs[{xs__}, {tags__}, {x0s__}, {xes__}, {dxs__}] := 
  Module[{args = {{xs}, {tags}, {x0s}, {xes}, {dxs}}}, 
    MapThread[row[sldr[##]] &, args]]

    {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, vars, tags, x0s, xes, dxs, args, rng},
  vars = {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2};
  tags = {"x0", "y0", "r0", "x1", "y1", "r1", "x2", "y2", "r2"};
  x0s = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  xes = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
  dxs = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
  rng = Transpose @ Map[Through[{Min, Max}[#]]&, {x0s, xes}];
  args = {vars, tags, x0s, xes, dxs};
      Graphics[{Red, Circle[{x0, y0}, r0]}], 
      Graphics[{Darker@Green, Circle[{x1, y1}, r1]}], 
      Graphics[{Darker@Blue, Circle[{x2, y2}, r2]}], 
      PlotRange -> rng],
    Column[sldrs @@ args, Alignment -> Left],
    (*intersection count*)
    Dynamic @
     {nIntersections[{x0, y0}, r0, {x1, y1}, r1],
      nIntersections[{x0, y0}, r0, {x2, y2}, r2],
      nIntersections[{x1, y1}, r1, {x2, y2}, r2]}}],
  Initialization :> (
    x0 = 2.6; y0 = 4; r0 = 1.9;
    x1 = 4.; y1 = 4.; r1 = 1.65;
    x2 = 5.5; y2 = 4.; r2 = 1.4;)]

I get something that works and even seems to get the intersections correctly.


Answered by m_goldberg on February 22, 2021

Michael E2. and m_goldberg's detailed answers address directly the questions in OP. This post suggests an alternative approach using LocatorPane with locators to modify centers ("●") and radii ("◆"):

DynamicModule[{pts = {{-5., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {5., 0.}, {-5., 2.}, {0., 1.}, {5., 3.}}, 
    rd = {2., 1., 3}, ri, circles}, 
   With[{i = CurrentValue["CurrentLocatorPaneThumb"]}, 
     If[1 <= i <= 3, pts[[i]] = #[[i]];
      pts[[i + 3]] = pts[[i]] + rd[[i]] Normalize[pts[[i + 3]] - #[[i]]], 
      pts[[i]] = #[[i]]; rd[[i - 3]] = Norm[#[[i]] - pts[[i - 3]]]]] &], 
  Deploy @ Dynamic @ Legended[Framed @ 
     Graphics[{Black, PointSize[Large], ri = RegionIntersection @@@
        Subsets[circles = Circle @@@ Transpose[{pts[[;; 3]], rd}], {2}] /. 
          _EmptyRegion -> {}, 
        Transpose[{{ Green, Red, Blue}, circles}]}, 
       PlotRange -> 20, ImageSize -> 1 -> 12, Frame -> False], None], 
  Appearance -> (Style[##, 12] & @@@ Tuples[{{"●", "◆"}, {Green, Red, Blue}}])]]

enter image description here

To add a legend use

legend = Grid[{Prepend[Style["○", 32, #] & /@ {Green, Red, Blue}, ""], 
    {"radius", ## & @@ Round[#2, 10.^-3]}, 
    {"center", ## & @@ Round[#[[;; 3]], 10.^-3]},
    {Item[Row[{"intersections :", 
         Total[Flatten[#3] /. Point -> Length]}], Alignment -> Left, 
       Background -> LightBlue], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}, 
     ## & @@ Thread[{Row[#, Spacer[1]] & /@ 
         Subsets[Style["○", 32, #] & /@ {Green, Red, Blue}, {2}], #3 /. 
           Point -> (Row[#, ", "] &), SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}]}, 
    Dividers -> All, ItemSize -> {{9, 9, 9, 9}, Automatic}] &;

and replace Legended[..., None] above with Legended[..., Placed[legend[pts, rd, ri], Right]] to get:

enter image description here

Answered by kglr on February 22, 2021

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