What's a good way to say "the front right 'side' of a car"?

English Language & Usage Asked by John Dunn on August 7, 2021

For context:

There was a collision and the front left side of A’s car hit the back right side of B’s car.

The "front right" of a car isn’t really a side so much as it is a corner, yet corner doesn’t really sound good in the above context.

2 Answers

In the motor industry, your problem is solved by creating the adjectival noun phrases:

Offside front, nearside front, offside rear, and nearside rear.

See, for example,

enter image description here

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In this commonly used nomenclature, your particular front right side (or corner) is the “offside front”.

For those who dislike offside and nearside, I suggest they be trivially replaced by passenger side and driver side.

Answered by Anton on August 7, 2021

You don't really need any word there at all:

The front left of A's car collided with the rear right of B's car.

If you insist on using a word, you can go with quadrant:

any of the four quarters into which something is divided by two real or imaginary lines that intersect each other at right angles

Answered by 200_success on August 7, 2021

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