C++ : Red-Black Tree with std::unique_ptr

Code Review Asked by frozenca on October 27, 2021

This is my C++ implementation of a Red-Black Tree, referring the CLRS book.
Half for fun, half for studying.

  • As implementing child node, I chose std::unique_ptr over std::shared_ptr because std::unique_ptr is cheaper/faster and the nodes are not shared across multiple threads with indeterminate access order. Of course, this decision made the implementation extremely annoying.

  • To test it, I inserted and deleted integers from 1 to 100000 with random order. Comparing with std::set (which uses raw pointers), the benchmark gives:

Inserting 100000 elements:
unique ptr red-black tree : 40 ms
standard red-black tree : 35 ms
Deleting 100000 elements:
unique ptr red-black tree : 49 ms
standard red-black tree : 45 ms

Features could be useful but not been implemented:

  • Iterators.
  • Join operation.

Any feedback will be welcomed, thanks!

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <chrono>

std::mt19937 gen(std::random_device{}());

enum class Color {

template <typename T>
struct Node {
    T key;
    Color color;
    std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> left;
    std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> right;
    Node<T>* parent;

    Node(const T& key) : key {key}, color {Color::Red}, parent {nullptr} {}

template <typename T>
struct RBTree {
    std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> root;

    void LeftRotate(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& x) {
        auto y = std::move(x->right);
        x->right = std::move(y->left);
        if (x->right) {
            x->right->parent = x.get();
        y->parent = x->parent;
        auto xp = x->parent;
        if (!xp) {
            auto px = x.release();
            root = std::move(y);
            root->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            root->left->parent = root.get();
        } else if (x == xp->left) {
            auto px = x.release();
            xp->left = std::move(y);
            xp->left->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            xp->left->left->parent = xp->left.get();
        } else {
            auto px = x.release();
            xp->right = std::move(y);
            xp->right->left = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            xp->right->left->parent = xp->right.get();

    void RightRotate(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& x) {
        auto y = std::move(x->left);
        x->left = std::move(y->right);
        if (x->left) {
            x->left->parent = x.get();
        y->parent = x->parent;
        auto xp = x->parent;
        if (!xp) {
            auto px = x.release();
            root = std::move(y);
            root->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            root->right->parent = root.get();
        } else if (x == xp->left) {
            auto px = x.release();
            xp->left = std::move(y);
            xp->left->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            xp->left->right->parent = xp->left.get();
        } else {
            auto px = x.release();
            xp->right = std::move(y);
            xp->right->right = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(px);
            xp->right->right->parent = xp->right.get();

    Node<T>* Search(const T& key) {
        return Search(root.get(), key);

    void Insert(const T& key) {
        auto z = std::make_unique<Node<T>>(key);

    void Delete(const T& key) {
        auto z = Search(key);

    Node<T>* Search(Node<T>* x, const T& key) {
        if (!x || x->key == key) {
            return x;
        if (key < x->key) {
            return Search(x->left.get(), key);
        } else {
            return Search(x->right.get(), key);

    void Insert(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> z) {
        Node<T>* y = nullptr;
        Node<T>* x = root.get();
        while (x) {
            y = x;
            if (z->key < x->key) {
                x = x->left.get();
            } else {
                x = x->right.get();
        z->parent = y;
        if (!y) {
            root = std::move(z);
        } else if (z->key < y->key) {
            y->left = std::move(z);
        } else {
            y->right = std::move(z);

    void InsertFixup(std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& z) {
        auto zp = z->parent;
        while (zp && zp->color == Color::Red) {
            auto zpp = zp->parent;
            if (zp == zpp->left.get()) {
                auto y = zpp->right.get();
                if (y && y->color == Color::Red) {
                    zp->color = Color::Black;
                    y->color = Color::Black;
                    zpp->color = Color::Red;
                    zp = zpp->parent;
                } else {
                    if (z == zp->right) {
                        zp = zpp->left.get();
                    zp->color = Color::Black;
                    zpp->color = Color::Red;
                    auto zppp = zpp->parent;
                    if (!zppp) {
                    } else if (zpp == zppp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
            } else {
                auto y = zpp->left.get();
                if (y && y->color == Color::Red) {
                    zp->color = Color::Black;
                    y->color = Color::Black;
                    zpp->color = Color::Red;
                    zp = zpp->parent;
                } else {
                    if (z == zp->left) {
                        zp = zpp->right.get();
                    zp->color = Color::Black;
                    zpp->color = Color::Red;
                    auto zppp = zpp->parent;
                    if (!zppp) {
                    } else if (zpp == zppp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
        root->color = Color::Black;

    Node<T>* Transplant(Node<T>* u, std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>&& v) {
        if (v) {
            v->parent = u->parent;
        Node<T>* w = nullptr;
        if (!u->parent) {
            w = root.release();
            root = std::move(v);
        } else if (u == u->parent->left.get()) {
            w = u->parent->left.release();
            u->parent->left = std::move(v);
        } else {
            w = u->parent->right.release();
            u->parent->right = std::move(v);
        return w;

    Node<T>* Minimum(Node<T>* x) {
        if (!x) {
            return x;
        while (x->left) {
            x = x->left.get();
        return x;

    void Delete(Node<T>* z) {
        if (!z) {
        Color orig_color = z->color;
        Node<T>* x = nullptr;
        Node<T>* xp = nullptr;
        if (!z->left) {
            x = z->right.get();
            xp = z->parent;
            auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->right));
            auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz);
        } else if (!z->right) {
            x = z->left.get();
            xp = z->parent;
            auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->left));
            auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz);
        } else {
            auto y = Minimum(z->right.get());
            orig_color = y->color;
            x = y->right.get();
            xp = y;
            if (y->parent == z) {
                if (x) {
                    x->parent = y;
                auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->right));
                y->left = std::move(pz->left);
                y->left->parent = y;
                y->color = pz->color;
                auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz);
            } else {
                xp = y->parent;
                auto py = Transplant(y, std::move(y->right));
                py->right = std::move(z->right);
                py->right->parent = py;
                auto upy = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(py);
                auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(upy));
                py->left = std::move(pz->left);
                py->left->parent = py;
                py->color = pz->color;
                auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node<T>>(pz);
        if (orig_color == Color::Black) {
            DeleteFixup(x, xp);

    void DeleteFixup(Node<T>* x, Node<T>* xp) {
        while (x != root.get() && (!x || x->color == Color::Black)) {
            if (x == xp->left.get()) {
                Node<T>* w = xp->right.get();
                if (w && w->color == Color::Red) {
                    w->color = Color::Black;
                    xp->color = Color::Red;
                    auto xpp = xp->parent;
                    if (!xpp) {
                    } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
                    w = xp->right.get();
                if (w && (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black)
                    && (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black)) {
                    w->color = Color::Red;
                    x = xp;
                    xp = xp->parent;
                } else if (w) {
                    if (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black) {
                        w->left->color = Color::Black;
                        w->color = Color::Red;
                        auto wp = w->parent;
                        if (!wp) {
                        } else if (w == wp->left.get()) {
                        } else {
                        w = xp->right.get();
                    w->color = xp->color;
                    xp->color = Color::Black;
                    w->right->color = Color::Black;
                    auto xpp = xp->parent;
                    if (!xpp) {
                    } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
                    x = root.get();
                } else {
                    x = root.get();
            } else {
                Node<T>* w = xp->left.get();
                if (w && w->color == Color::Red) {
                    w->color = Color::Black;
                    xp->color = Color::Red;
                    auto xpp = xp->parent;
                    if (!xpp) {
                    } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
                    w = xp->left.get();
                if (w && (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black)
                    && (!w->right || w->right->color == Color::Black)) {
                    w->color = Color::Red;
                    x = xp;
                    xp = xp->parent;
                } else if (w) {
                    if (!w->left || w->left->color == Color::Black) {
                        w->right->color = Color::Black;
                        w->color = Color::Red;
                        auto wp = w->parent;
                        if (!wp) {
                        } else if (w == wp->left.get()) {
                        } else {
                        w = xp->left.get();
                    w->color = xp->color;
                    xp->color = Color::Black;
                    w->left->color = Color::Black;
                    auto xpp = xp->parent;
                    if (!xpp) {
                    } else if (xp == xpp->left.get()) {
                    } else {
                    x = root.get();
                } else {
                    x = root.get();
        if (x) {
            x->color = Color::Black;


template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Node<T>* node) {
    if (node) {
        os << node->left.get();
        os << node->key;
        if (node->color == Color::Black) {
            os << "● ";
        } else {
            os << "○ ";
        os << node->right.get();
    return os;

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RBTree<T>& tree) {
    os << tree.root.get();
    return os;

int main() {
    constexpr size_t SIZE = 100'000;
    std::vector<int> v (SIZE);
    std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 1);
    std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), gen);
    RBTree<int> rbtree;
    auto t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (auto n : v) {
    auto t2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto dt1 = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);

    std::set<int> rbset;
    t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (auto n : v) {
    t2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto dt2 = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);

    std::cout << "Inserting " << SIZE << " elements:n";
    std::cout << "unique ptr red-black tree : " << dt1.count() << " msn";
    std::cout << "standard red-black tree : " << dt2.count() << " msn";

    std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), gen);

    t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (auto n : v) {
    t2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto dt3 = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);

    t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (auto n : v) {
    t2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    auto dt4 = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1);

    std::cout << "Deleting " << SIZE << " elements:n";
    std::cout << "unique ptr red-black tree : " << dt3.count() << " msn";
    std::cout << "standard red-black tree : " << dt4.count() << " msn";


One Answer

Don't forget to #include <algorithm>

You have to #include <algorithm> to get std::shuffle.

Move struct Node and enum class Color inside struct RBTree

A Node is just an implementation detail of RBTree. It is better to move it inside struct RBTree. This also ensures you can just write Node instead of Node<T> everywhere. The same goes for Color. In fact, Color is just a property of a Node, so it could be moved into struct Node, but in this case it would just involve unnecessary typing.

This is how it looks:

template <typename T>
struct RBTree {
    enum class Color {

    struct Node {
        T key;
        Color color;
        std::unqiue_ptr<Node> left;

    std::unique_ptr<Node> root;


There is a slight difficulty changing the operator<< overload for Node, because Node is a dependent name of RBTree<T>. To make it compile, you have to add typename before RBTree<T>::Node:

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, typename RBTree<T>::Node *node) {

The public Search() function should not return a Node *

Nodes are just an implementation detail of your tree. By exposing this, it allows a user of your tree to make modifications to a Node that could cause the tree to become corrupted. I would make it return the key found in the tree as a const T* instead:

const T* Search(const T& key) {
    auto z = Search(root.get(), key);
    return z ? &z->key : nullptr;

Another option is to return the key by value, and use std::optional<T> so you can inform the caller that the key was not in the tree:

std::optional<T> Search(const T& key) {
    auto z = Search(root.get(), key);
    return z ? std::make_optional(z->key) : nullopt;

You have to modify Delete() slightly to compensate for this.

Make functions that do not modify the tree const

Make functions that do not change the tree const, so the compiler can generate better code, and will also allow you to call those functions on a const RBTree. The functions relating to searches can all be marked const:

const T* Search(const T& key) const { ... }
Node* Search(Node* x, const T& key) const { ... }
Node* Minimum(Node* x) const { ... }

Some unnecessary code

I see some lines of code that basically do nothing and could be simplified. For example, in Delete():

auto pz = Transplant(z, std::move(z->right));
auto upz = std::unique_ptr<Node>(pz);

And afterwards, upz is no longer used. The above can be simplified to:

delete Transplant(z, std::move(z->right));

Answered by G. Sliepen on October 27, 2021

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