Zero sum covers

Code Golf Asked by Zgarb on November 10, 2020


Consider a nonempty list L of integers.
A zero-sum slice of L is a contiguous subsequence of L whose sum equals 0.
For example, [1, -3, 2] is a zero-sum slice of [-2, 4, 1, -3, 2, 2, -1, -1], but [2, 2] is not (because it doesn’t sum to 0), and neither is [4, -3, -1] (because it’s not contiguous).

A collection of zero-sum slices of L is a zero-sum cover of L if every element belongs to at least one of the slices.
For example:

L = [-2, 4, 1, -3, 2, 2, -1, -1]
A = [-2, 4, 1, -3]
B =        [1, -3, 2]
C =                  [2, -1, -1]

The three zero-sum slices A, B and C form a zero-sum cover of L.
Multiple copies of the same slice can appear in a zero-sum cover, like this:

L = [2, -1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1]
A = [2, -1, -1]
B =        [-1, -1, 2]
C =                [2, -1, -1]

Of course, not all lists have a zero-sum cover; some examples are [2, -1] (every slice has nonzero sum) and [2, 2, -1, -1, 0, 1] (the leftmost 2 is not part of a zero-sum slice).

The task

Your input is a nonempty integer list L, taken in any reasonable format.
Your output shall be a truthy value if L has a zero-sum cover, and a falsy value if not.

You can write a full program or a function, and the lowest byte count wins.

Test cases

[-1] -> False
[2,-1] -> False
[2,2,-1,-1,0,1] -> False
[2,-2,1,2,-2,-2,4] -> False
[3,-5,-2,0,-3,-2,-1,-2,0,-2] -> False
[-2,6,3,-3,-3,-3,1,2,2,-2,-5,1] -> False
[5,-8,2,-1,-7,-4,4,1,-8,2,-1,-3,-3,-3,5,1] -> False
[-8,-8,4,1,3,10,9,-11,4,4,10,-2,-3,4,-10,-3,-5,0,6,9,7,-5,-3,-3] -> False
[10,8,6,-4,-2,-10,1,1,-5,-11,-3,4,11,6,-3,-4,-3,-9,-11,-12,-4,7,-10,-4] -> False
[0] -> True
[4,-2,-2] -> True
[2,2,-3,1,-2,3,1] -> True
[5,-3,-1,-2,1,5,-4] -> True
[2,-1,-1,-1,2,-1,-1] -> True
[-2,4,1,-3,2,2,-1,-1] -> True
[-4,-1,-1,6,3,6,-5,1,-5,-4,5,3] -> True
[-11,8,-2,-6,2,-12,5,3,-7,4,-7,7,12,-1,-1,6,-7,-4,-5,-12,9,5,6,-3] -> True
[4,-9,12,12,-11,-11,9,-4,8,5,-10,-6,2,-9,10,-11,-9,-2,8,4,-11,7,12,-5] -> True

16 Answers

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 22 bytes


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Same byte count as Jo King's, but totally different approach.

How it works

≢={≢∪∊↓∘⍳/¨⍸∘.=⍨0,+⍵}  ⍝ Input: integer vector
  {             0,+⍵}  ⍝ Cumulative sum and prepend 0
            ∘.=⍨        ⍝ Self outer product by equality
           ⍸            ⍝ Extract coords of ones; (a,b) with a>b is included
                        ⍝ iff the interval [b+1..a] has zero sum
      ↓∘⍳/¨  ⍝ For each coord, [b+1..a] if a>b, empty vector otherwise
   ≢∪∊       ⍝ Count unique values
≢=           ⍝ Is the count same as the length of the original array?

Answered by Bubbler on November 10, 2020

Python 3, 99 bytes

lambda a,r=range:len({k for j in r(len(a)+1)for i in r(j)if sum(a[i:j])==0for k in r(i,j)})==len(a)

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Creates a set of all indices which are part of a zero sum. Then checks if all indices are present.

Answered by Jitse on November 10, 2020

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 22 20 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Bubbler


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                 ,⎕      ⍝ All prefixes of the input 
       {       }¨         ⍝ Map each to
          ⌽+⌽⍵           ⍝ The sum of each postfix 
        ×                ⍝ Scan multiplied, spreading any zero sums to the other elements in the sub-array
     0=                   ⍝ Map zeroes to true
    ↑                     ⍝ Mix the arrays into a 2D matrix
∧/∨⌿                      ⍝ Do all columns have at least one true value?

Answered by Jo King on November 10, 2020

JavaScript (ES6), 102 bytes


Computes the partial sums for all the elements i..j inclusive, and resets the relevant elements of b from 1 to 0 when it finds a zero sum, finally checking that there are no 1s left.

Answered by Neil on November 10, 2020

PHP, 104 bytes

Brute force and still over 99 bytes. :-(


takes input from command line arguments, 1 for truthy, empty for falsy. Run with -r.


for($p=$r=$argc;$s=$p--;)   # loop $p from $argc-1 to 0 with dummy value >0 for $s
    for($i=$p;$s&&$k=$i--;)     # loop $i (slice start) from $p to 1, break if sum is 0
        for($s=0;                   # init sum to 0
            $k<$argc                # loop $k (slice end) from $i to $argc-1
            &&($r-=!$s+=$argv[$k++])    # update sum, decrement $r if sum is 0
            &&$s;);                     # break loop if sum is 0
echo!$r;                    # $r = number of elements that are not part of a zero-sum slice

$argv[0] contains the filename; if run with -r, it will be - and evaluate to 0 for numeric ops.

Answered by Titus on November 10, 2020

Clojure, 109 bytes

#(=(count %)(count(set(flatten(for[r[(range(count %))]l r p(partition l 1 r):when(=(apply +(map % p))0)]p))))

Generates all partitions which sum to zero, checks that it has "length of input vector" distinct indices.

Answered by NikoNyrh on November 10, 2020

J, 36 35 bytes


For every subsum I add the element's indexes and I keep the indexes iff subsum is 0 and then check whether every index is present.

Trick: 1-based indexes of a list can be generated with # i.e. length of every prefix.


   (#*/@e.[:;]({:*0=[:+/{.)@|:.@,.#) 2 _1 _1 2
   (#*/@e.[:;]({:*0=[:+/{.)@|:.@,.#) 2 _1

Try it online here.

Answered by randomra on November 10, 2020

Python, 86 Bytes

def f(l):
 if[i for i in r for j in r if sum(l[j:j+i+1])==0]:return 1

Truthy = 1 Falsy = None

Answered by sonrad10 on November 10, 2020

Haskell, 94 bytes

import Data.Lists
g x=(1<$x)==(1<$nub(id=<<[i|(i,0)<-fmap sum.unzip<$>powerslice(zip[1..]x)]))

Usage example: g [-11,8,-2,-6,2,-12,5,3,-7,4,-7,7,12,-1,-1,6,-7,-4,-5,-12,9,5,6,-3] -> True.

How it works (let's use [-1,1,5,-5] for input):

        zip[1..]x  -- zip each element with its index
                   -- -> [(1,-1),(2,1),(3,5),(4,-5)]
      powerslice   -- make a list of all continuous subsequences
                   -- -> [[],[(1,-1)],[(1,-1),(2,1)],[(1,-1),(2,1),(3,5)],[(1,-1),(2,1),(3,5),(4,-5)],[(2,1)],[(2,1),(3,5)],[(2,1),(3,5),(4,-5)],[(3,5)],[(3,5),(4,-5)],[(4,-5)]]
    <$>            -- for each subsequence
   unzip           --   turn the list of pairs into a pair of lists
                   --   -> [([],[]),([1],[-1]),([1,2],[-1,1]),([1,2,3],[-1,1,5]),([1,2,3,4],[-1,1,5,-5]),([2],[1]),([2,3],[1,5]),([2,3,4],[1,5,-5]),([3],[5]),([3,4],[5,-5]),([4],[-5])]
  fmap sum         --   and sum the second element
                   --   -> [([],0),([1],-1),([1,2],0),([1,2,3],5),([1,2,3,4],0),([2],1),([2,3],6),([2,3,4],1),([3],5),([3,4],0),([4],-5)]
 [i|(i,0)<-    ]   -- take all list of indices where the corresponding sum == 0
                   -- -> [[],[1,2],[1,2,3,4],[3,4]]
 id=<<             -- flatten the list
                   -- -> [1,2,1,2,3,4,3,4]
nub                -- remove duplicates
                   -- -> [1,2,3,4]

(1<$x)==(1<$    )  -- check if the above list has the same length as the input list. 

Answered by nimi on November 10, 2020

Python, 123 120 bytes

-3 bytes thanks to @Zgarb

Populates a list with the same size as the input with zero-sum slices and overwrites according to indexes, returning its equality to the original at the end.

def f(l):
 for i in range(s):
  for j in range(i,s+1):
   if sum(l[i:j])==0:n[i:j]=l[i:j]
 return n==l

Answered by dfernan on November 10, 2020

JavaScript (ES6), 109 bytes


Test snippet


I.textContent = I.textContent.replace(/.+/g,x=>x+` (${f(eval(x.split(" ")[0]))})`)
<pre id=I>[-1] -> False
[2,-1] -> False
[2,2,-1,-1,0,1] -> False
[2,-2,1,2,-2,-2,4] -> False
[3,-5,-2,0,-3,-2,-1,-2,0,-2] -> False
[-2,6,3,-3,-3,-3,1,2,2,-2,-5,1] -> False
[5,-8,2,-1,-7,-4,4,1,-8,2,-1,-3,-3,-3,5,1] -> False
[-8,-8,4,1,3,10,9,-11,4,4,10,-2,-3,4,-10,-3,-5,0,6,9,7,-5,-3,-3] -> False
[10,8,6,-4,-2,-10,1,1,-5,-11,-3,4,11,6,-3,-4,-3,-9,-11,-12,-4,7,-10,-4] -> False
[0] -> True
[4,-2,-2] -> True
[2,2,-3,1,-2,3,1] -> True
[5,-3,-1,-2,1,5,-4] -> True
[2,-1,-1,-1,2,-1,-1] -> True
[-2,4,1,-3,2,2,-1,-1] -> True
[-4,-1,-1,6,3,6,-5,1,-5,-4,5,3] -> True
[-11,8,-2,-6,2,-12,5,3,-7,4,-7,7,12,-1,-1,6,-7,-4,-5,-12,9,5,6,-3] -> True
[4,-9,12,12,-11,-11,9,-4,8,5,-10,-6,2,-9,10,-11,-9,-2,8,4,-11,7,12,-5] -> True</pre>

Answered by ETHproductions on November 10, 2020

Scala, 49 bytes

% =>(1 to%.size)flatMap(%sliding)exists(_.sum==0)

Try it at ideone


val f:(Seq[Int]=>Boolean)= % =>(1 to%.size)flatMap(%sliding)exists(_.sum==0)
f(Seq(4, -2, -2)) //returns true


array=>(1 to array.size)
  .flatMap(n => array.sliding(n))
  .exists(slice => slice.sum == 0)


% =>            //define a anonymouns function with a parameter called %
  (1 to %.size) //create a range from 1 to the size of %
  flatMap(      //flatMap each number n of the range
    %sliding    //to an iterator with all slices of % with length n
  )exists(      //check whether there's an iterator with a sum of 0

Answered by corvus_192 on November 10, 2020

Mathematica, 65 64 bytes

Thanks to ngenisis for saving 1 byte.


I'd rather find a pure pattern matching solution, but it's proving to be tricky (and things like {___,a__,___} are always super lengthy).

Answered by Martin Ender on November 10, 2020

Mathematica, 66 65 bytes

Saved 1 byte, and hopefully learned a new trick for the future, thanks to ngenisis!

Two equally long alternatives, both of which are unnamed functions taking a list of integers as input and returning True or False:



In both cases, Tr@#[[i;;j]] computes the sum of the slice of the input from position i to position j (1-indexed). Product[...,{i,k},{j,k,l}] multiples together all these slice-sums, as i ranges over indices that are at most k and j ranges over indices that are at least k. (Note that l=Tr[1^#] defines l to be the sum of 1 to all the powers in the input list, which is simply the length of the list.) In other words, this product equals 0 if and only if the kth element belongs to a zero-sum slice.

In the first version, each of those products is compared to 0, and And@@ returns True precisely when every single product equals 0. In the second version, the list of products is acted upon by the function Norm (the length of the l-dimensional vector), which equals 0 if and only if every entry equals 0.

Answered by Greg Martin on November 10, 2020

Jelly, 13 12 bytes


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How it works

JẆịS¥ÐḟċþJḄẠ  Main link. Argument: A (array)

J             Yield all indices of A.
 Ẇ            Window; yield all slices of indices.
     Ðḟ       Filter; keep slices for which the link to the left returns 0.
    ¥           Combine the two atoms to the left into a dyadic chain.
  ị               Retrieve the elements of A at the slice's indices.
   S              Take the sum.
         J    Yield the indices of A.
       ċþ     Count table; count how many times each index appears in each table.
          Ḅ   Unbinary; convery the array of counts of each index from base 2 to 
              integer. This yields 0 iff an index does not appear in any slice.
           Ạ  All; return 1 iff all integers are non-zero.

Answered by Dennis on November 10, 2020

Ruby, 81 bytes

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Simplistic brute-force solution; for every element of the array, try to find a zero-sum slice that contains it.


Answered by Value Ink on November 10, 2020

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