Adding fractions

Code Golf Asked by user65167 on January 13, 2021

Write a program or a function that takes two non-empty lists of the same length as input and does the following:

  • uses elements of first list to get numerators,
  • uses elements of the second list to get denominators,
  • displays resulting fractions after simplification (2/4=>1/2), separated by “+”s,
  • displays “=” and result of addition after last fraction.



[1, 2, 3, 3, 6]
[2, 9, 3, 2, 4]



About rules

  • elements of lists will be positive integers,
  • elements can be separated by spaces, eg: 1/2 + 2/9 + 1 + 3/2 + 3/2 = 85/18 is ok,
  • trailing newline is allowed,
  • lists can be taken in other formats than above, eg.: (1 2 3 3 6) or {1;2;3;3;6}, etc.,
  • 1 can be expressed as 1/1,
  • instead of printing you can return appropriate string,
  • you do not need to handle wrong input,
  • shortest code wins.

25 Answers

M, 12 11 bytes


This is a dyadic link. Due to a bug, it doesn't work as a full program. F is also required due to a bug.

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How it works

÷µFj”+;”=;S  Dyadic link. Left argument: N. Right argument: D

÷            Perform vectorized division, yielding an array of fractions (R).
 µ           Begin a new, monadic chain. Argument: R
  F          Flatten R. R is already flat, but j is buggy and has side effects.
   j”+       Join R, separating by '+'.
      ;”=    Append '='.
         ;S  Append the sum of R.

Correct answer by Dennis on January 13, 2021

Google Sheets, 83 81 bytes


Saved 2 bytes thanks to Taylor Scott

Sheets will automatically add 2 closing parentheses to the end of the formula.

The two arrays are input as the entirety of columns A and B. Empty rows below the inputs will throws errors.

Answered by Engineer Toast on January 13, 2021

Haskell (Lambdabot), 94 91 86 bytes

a#b|f<-zipWith(%)a b=t f++'=':t[sum f]

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Thanks @Laikoni for -8 bytes!


-- convert each fraction to a string (has format "n%d", replace '%' with '/' and prepend '+' ("+n/d"), keep the tail (dropping the leading '+')
t = tail.(([n,_,d]->'+':n++'/':d)<<)
-- build a list of fractions
a # b = let f = zipWith(%) a b in
-- stringify that list, append "=" and the stringified sum of these fractions
  t f ++ "=" ++ t [sum f]

Answered by ბიმო on January 13, 2021

Casio Basic, 161 Bytes

Dim(List 1)->A
for 1->I to A step 1
List 1[I]->C
List 2[I]->D
locate 1,B,C
locate 1,B+1,"/"
locate 1,B+2,D
locate 1,B+3,"="
locate 1,B+4,E


  • Number of input is saved in A
  • A iterations
  • B acts as a counter for correct displaying
  • I'th item of List 1 and 2 saved in C and D
  • Displaying of Variable C / Variable D
  • save C/D+E in E
  • After last number locate = and E

Answered by ADDB on January 13, 2021

Axiom, 212 bytes

C==>concat;S==>String;g(a)==C[numerator(a)::S,"/",denom(a)::S];h(a:List PI,b:List PI):S==(r:="";s:=0/1;#a~=#b or #a=0=>"-1";for i in 1..#a repeat(v:=a.i/b.i;s:=s+v;r:=C[r,g(v),if i=#a then C("=",g(s))else"+"]);r)


(5) -> h([1,3,4,4,5,6], [2,9,5,5,6,7])
   (5)  "1/2+1/3+4/5+4/5+5/6+6/7=433/105"
                                                             Type: String
(6) -> h([1,3,4,4], [2,9,5,5,6,7])
   (6)  "-1"
                                                             Type: String

Answered by user58988 on January 13, 2021

setlX, 62 bytes

[a,b]|->join([x/y:[x,y]in a><b],"+")+"="++/[x/y:[x,y]in a><b];


[a,b]|->                  define a function with parameters a and b
    [ x/y :               using set comprehension, make a list of fractions 
      [x,y] in a><b       from the lists zipped together
  )                       join them with "+"
  + "="                   concat with an equals sign
  +                       concat with
  +/[x/y:[x,y]in a><b]    the sum of the list

interpreter session

Answered by corvus_192 on January 13, 2021

setlX, 103 bytes

f:=procedure(a,b){i:=1;l:=[];while(i<=#a){l:=l+[a[i]/b[i]];i+=1;}s:=join(l,"+");return s+"="+eval(s);};

Creates a function called f where your insert two lists.


f := procedure (a,b) {
    return s+"="+eval(s);

with named variables and annotations:
setlX doesn't provide a comment feature so let's just pretend that we can comment with %

f := procedure(firstList,secondList) {
    count := 1;
    list := []; 
    while(count <= #firstList) {
        % calculate every fraction and save it as a list
        list := list + [firstList[count]/secondList[count]];
        count += 1;
    % Seperate every list entry with a plus ([2/3,1] -> "2/3+1")
    str := join(list, "+");
    % eval executes the string above and thus calculates our sum
    return str + "=" + eval(str);

Answered by BlueWizard on January 13, 2021

C, 171 bytes

Try Online

i;t;x;y;f(int s,int*a,int*b){x=*a;y=*b;while(++i<s)x=(y-b[i])?(x*b[i])+(a[i]*y):(x+a[i]),y=(y-b[i])?(b[i]*y):y;for(i=1;i<=(x<y?x:y);++i)t=(x%i==0&&y%i==00)?i:t;x/=t;y/=t;}

Answered by Khaled.K on January 13, 2021

PHP>=7.1, 190 Bytes

<?function f($x,$y){for($t=1+$x;$y%--$t||$x%$t;);return$x/$t."/".$y/$t;}[$n,$d]=$_GET;for($p=array_product($d);$x=$n[+$k];$e+=$x*$p/$y)$r[]=f($x,$y=$d[+$k++]);echo join("+",$r)."=".f($e,$p);

Online Version

+14 Bytes for replacement return$x/$t."/".$y/$t; with return$y/$t>1?$x/$t."/".$y/$t:$x/$t; to output n instead of n/1

Answered by Jörg Hülsermann on January 13, 2021

F#, 244 241 239 bytes

let rec g a=function|0->abs a|b->g b (a%b)
let h a b=g a b|>fun x->a/x,b/x
let s,n,d=List.fold2(fun(s,n,d)N D->
 let(N,D),(n,d)=h N D,h(n*D+N*d)(d*D)
 s@[sprintf"%i/%i"N D],n,d)([],0,1)nom div
printf"%s=%i/%i"(System.String.Join("+",s))n d

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Answered by Brunner on January 13, 2021

TI-BASIC, 100 bytes

:L₁⁄L₂                                              //Creates a fraction from Lists 1 & 2, 7 bytes
:toString(Ans→Str1                                  //Create string from list, 7 bytes
:inString(Ans,",→A                                  //Look for commas, 9 bytes
:While A                                            //Begin while loop, 3 bytes
:Str1                                               //Store Str1 to Ans, 3 bytes
:sub(Ans,1,A-1)+"+"+sub(Ans,A+1,length(Ans)-A→Str1  //Replace "," with "+", 33 bytes
:inString(Ans,",→A                                  //Check for more commas, 9 bytes
:End                                                //End while loop, 2 bytes
:Str1                                               //Store Str1 to Ans, 3 bytes
:sub(Ans,2,length(Ans)-2                            //Remove opening and closing brackets, 13 bytes
:Ans+"="+toString(expr(Ans                          //Add "=" and answer, 11 bytes

Note the at the beginning, different from /. This makes the fractions hold their forms. It does work with negative fractions.

Sigh. TI-BASIC is horrible with strings. If all we had to do was print the fractions, and then their sum, the code would be:

TI-BASIC, 12 bytes

:L₁⁄L₂    //Create fractions from lists, 7 bytes
:Disp Ans //Display the above fractions, 3 bytes
:sum(Ans  //Display the answer, 2 bytes

That means that 88 bytes of my code is spent just formatting the answer! Hmph.

Answered by Scott Milner on January 13, 2021

Julia v0.4+, 66 53 bytes

-13 bytes thanks to Dennis


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Alternately, if fractions can be displayed using // rather than /, the following works for 35 bytes:


Answered by Julian Wolf on January 13, 2021

R, 109 bytes


requires the MASS library (for its fractions class). the function g returns the required output as a string.

Try it online! (R-fiddle link)

Answered by Giuseppe on January 13, 2021

Jelly, 31 bytes


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Answered by Leaky Nun on January 13, 2021

MATL, 32 bytes


Try at MATL online!


Consider [1, 2, 3, 3, 6], [2, 9, 3, 2, 4] as input.

/         % Implicit inout. Divide element-wise
          % STACK: [0.5 0.222 1 1.5 1.5]
YQ        % Rational approximation (with default tolerance)
          % STACK: [1 2 1 3 3], [2 9 1 2 2]
v         % Conctenate all stack elements vertically
          % STACK: [1 2; 2 9; 1 2; 3 2; 3 2]
'%i/%i+'  % Push this string (sprintf format specifier)
          % STACK: [1 2; 2 9; 1 2; 3 2; 3 2], '%i/%i+'
wYD       % Swap, sprintf
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2+'
3L)       % Remove last entry
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2'
61        % Push 61 (ASCII for '=')
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61
y         % Duplicate from below
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2'
U         % Evaluste string into a number
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, 4.722
YQ        % Rational approximation 
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, 85, 18
VwV       % Convert to string, swap, convert to string
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, '18', '85'
47        % Push 47 (ASCII for '/')
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, '18', '85', 47
b         % Bubble up in stack
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2', 61, '85', 47, '18'
&h        % Concatenate all stack elements horizontally. Implicitly display
          % STACK: '1/2+2/9+1/1+3/2+3/2=85/18'

Answered by Luis Mendo on January 13, 2021

Clojure, 71 bytes

#(let[S(map / % %2)](apply str(concat(interpose '+ S)['=(apply + S)])))

Yay for built-in fractions!

Answered by NikoNyrh on January 13, 2021

Java, 225 bytes

int c(int a,int b){return b>0?c(b,a%b):a;}
(N,D)->{int n=0,d=1,i=0,g;String s="";for(;i<N.length;g=g(N[i],D[i]),N[i]/=g,D[i]/=g,s+=(i>0?"+":"")+N[i]+"/"+D[i],n=n*D[i]+N[i]*d,d*=D[i++],g=g(n,d),n/=g,d/=g);return s+"="+n+"/"+d;}

N and D are both int[], contextualized.

I reused Kevin Cruijssen's GCD function.

See it and test it online!

Answered by Olivier Grégoire on January 13, 2021

Perl 6,  77  73 bytes

{join('+',($/=[@^a Z/ @^b]).map:{.nude.join('/')})~"="~$/.sum.nude.join('/')}

Try it

{($/=[@^a Z/@^b])».nude».join('/').join('+')~'='~$/.sum.nude.join('/')}

Try it


{  # bare block lambda with two placeholder params 「@a」 and 「@b」

    $/ = [              # store as an array in 「$/」 for later use

      @^a Z/ @^b        # zip divide the two inputs (declares them)


  )».nude              # get list of NUmerators and DEnominators
  ».join('/')           # join the numerators and denominators with 「/」

  .join('+')            # join that list with 「+」

  '='                   # concat with 「=」

  $/.sum.nude.join('/') # get the result and represent as fraction

Answered by Brad Gilbert b2gills on January 13, 2021

Perl 6, 72 bytes 65 bytes

Native and automatic rationals should make this easy, but default stringification is still as decimal, so we have to .nude (numerator and denominator) which kills our score and makes the 1 ugly :(

my n = 1,2,3,3,6; my d = 2,9,3,2,4;
(n Z/d)».nude».join("/").join("+")~"="~([+] n Z/d).nude.join("/")

Update: Removed unneeded brackets, kill more space and use smarter map. Saves characters over Brad's solution at the cost of no not being a lambda sub.

Answered by Dean Serenevy on January 13, 2021

Mathematica, 33 bytes



[{1, 2, 3, 3, 6}, {2, 9, 3, 2, 4}]

Answered by J42161217 on January 13, 2021

JavaScript (ES6), 111 bytes

Takes the lists in currying syntax (a)(b).

let f =


console.log(f([1, 2, 3, 3, 6])([2, 9, 3, 2, 4]))

Answered by Arnauld on January 13, 2021

Ruby 2.4, 54 53 characters


Thanks to:

  • Value Ink for the Ruby 2.4 specific version (-3 characters)
  • Value Ink for optimizing the Rational initialization (-1 character)

Ruby, 58 57 56 characters


Sample run:

irb(main):001:0> puts ->n,d{t=0;{|n,d|t+=r=n.to_r/d;r}*?++"=#{t}"}[[1, 2, 3, 3, 6], [2, 9, 3, 2, 4]]

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Answered by manatwork on January 13, 2021

Mathematica, 61 bytes


Answered by alephalpha on January 13, 2021

05AB1E, 35 34 bytes


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Answered by Emigna on January 13, 2021

Python 3, 104 bytes

9 bytes thanks to Felipe Nardi Batista.

from fractions import*
def f(*t):c=[Fraction(*t)for t in zip(*t)];print('+'.join(map(str,c)),'=',sum(c))

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Answered by Leaky Nun on January 13, 2021

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