What are these small, indoor bugs?

Biology Asked by Leitz5008 on September 3, 2021

I live in Switzerland and have noticed these small bugs appear in my bedroom, either slowly crawling on the parquet flooring, lazily buzzing around or dead on my windowsill (as pictured):

four dead bugs that need to be identified

enter image description here

I’m not sure if these bugs are currently appearing more often – or if I just notice them more because of the fact that I’m spending a lot of time in my bedroom due to Corona lockdown.

The only hint I’ve got is a friend saying that they live in wooden floors. No idea if that’s correct.

Thanks for any help or hints!

One Answer

I doubt you'll get a positive ID from that photo. It might be some woodboring beetle, maybe genus Anobium or Hedobia. FTR, if they are chewing on your wooden floors, you might be able to hear them if you listen carefully.

I suggest you collect some, maybe even living, in a small tube and ask a specialist. My first idea would be someone at a nearby university or natural history museum working in entomology, and specifically on Coleoptera if possible.

Answered by aae on September 3, 2021

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